


Studiennamiddag 3 AUTOLAS: Lasmallen, vervorming en lasparameter

Vim Verlinde from Institut Belge de la Soudure (IBS) / Belgisch Instituut voor Lastechniek (BIL) invited DynaWeld to participate in a workshop on welding distortion and welding process parameters with two lectures. One lecture deals with the prediction of weld geometry by calculation: Can we predict weld geometry by simulation?. The second lecture explains how the welding simulation helps to accelerate production times decisively: Can simulation speed up your manufacturing time?. For this presentation we were happy that John Goldak (Goldak Technologies Inc.) joins us as co-author. The fully booked workshop took place in the exhibition halls of EXPO Brussels as part of the MACHINEERING trade fair.

By |2021-08-06T14:04:56+01:00March 28th, 2019|news|0 Comments