DynaWeld spent a week with John Goldak and his team in
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In addition to intensive expert talks, discussions were held on how welding simulation and heat treatment simulation can be used even more efficiently in the future and how small and medium-sized enterprises can also benefit from it. VrSuite offers a variety of functionalities developed by Goldak specifically for the simulation problems of welding and heat treatment. These include, among other things, special meshing automatisms for welds. Multi-layer welds with multiple passes per layer can be automatically modeled using WPS data. With the new Goldak heat source WeldPoolQS the cross-sectional geometry of the individual weld pass and their heat input is calculated directly from the process parameters and transferred to the global simulation model.

Skyline of Ottawa viewed from the Ottawa River
How do I build simulation models, which seam types and processes can be modeled, how do I take into account tack welds or clamping devices… In order to bring the wide range of applications closer to the user, Goldak Technologies and DynaWeld develop together training tutorials on industry-related assemblies and for industry-relevant questions.
VrSuite, the welding and heat treatment software from John Goldak can be obtained directly from DynaWeld.